ADVENTURE CLUB ICE EXPLORATION - Sunday, February 16th - 2:00PM - We will be meeting at the Zorn's house for a fun afternoon of exploring the ice formations on the shore of Lake Superior. You can sign up at the coffee bar and the Zorn's will reach out to you with the address or you can call Troy at (906) 373-6317. Everyone is welcome, but know that the ice is very slippery.
TUBING AT AL QUAAL - Friday, February 21st - 5:30-8:30 - Everyone is welcome to come out for this special tubing event! Tubes are provided at the hill and a tow rope tows you back to the top! Hot dogs, hot cocoa and coffee will be provided. RSVP HERE.
MEMBERSHIP CLASS - Saturday, February 22nd - 10:00AM - We will be having a membership class here at church for those interested in possibly becoming members at Woodland! Sign up at the coffee bar or on a connection card.
MISSION TRIP TO OMETEPE ISLAND, NICARAGUA - We have 14 people here at Woodland who will be going on a missions trip to Ometepe Island March 1-9th. There will be a mission board set up in the foyer with more information or you can donate towards the trip HERE.
WOMENS BIBLE STUDY - Starting February 27th - This study will be held at two different times - Thursday nights at 6:30PM and Friday mornings at 9:30AM. This is a seven week study on Elijah. Sign up at the coffee bar. You can reach out to Kathy Gustafsson with any questions.
CRU PLANT MINISTRY - Cru is starting a new ministry using plants as a way to reach students on campus. They are looking for donations of small plants or cuttings they can replant. Sign up at the coffee bar if you can donate to them.
EQUIP U LEADERS CLASS - 1st Sunday of every month - 9AM - Adult Classrooms - This class is training to learn to lead others like Jesus did! If you are ready to start leading others to Christ, this is the place for you! Contact Pastor Jeff A with questions.
EQUIP U FOUNDATIONS CLASS - 3rd Sunday of every month - 9AM - Adult Classrooms - In this class we will be learning the foundations of disciple making! If you aren't sure how to start or how to even be a disciple yourself, this is the class for you. Contact Pastor Jeff A with questions.
GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES - April 18th - Services at 3:00PM and 5:00PM - Childcare will be provided for ages 0-3.
ANNUAL CHURCH CAMPOUT 2025 - August 15 - 18, 2025 - Perkins Park, Big Bay - We are preparing for our next church campout! This year we will be staying at the beautiful Perkins Park. Mark your calendars with the dates. We already have booked the sites to the church and we will begin registering everyone for their sites in February!
SUNDAY SERVICES – First Service at 9:00AM – Second Service at 11:00AM. Feel free to come early or linger after and fellowship over a cup of coffee!
EQUIP U LEADERS CLASS - 1st Sunday of every month - 9AM - Adult Classrooms - This class is training to learn to lead others like Jesus did! If you are ready to start leading others to Christ, this is the place for you! Contact Pastor Jeff A with questions.
EQUIP U FOUNDATIONS CLASS - 3rd Sunday of every month - 9AM - Adult Classrooms - In this class we will be learning the foundations of disciple making! If you aren't sure how to start or how to even be a disciple yourself, this is the class for you. Contact Pastor Jeff A with questions.
MONDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY – 6:30PM – Prayer and Bible Study led by Roy Brown at the church. All are welcome.
REVELATION BIBLE STUDY - Wednesday evenings at 6:30PM - Jim and Chris Ruppel are leading this 30 week Bible Study on the book of Revelation. All are welcome. Contact Chris for more information. (906) 458-7462.
WOMENS BIBLE STUDY - Starting February 27th - This study will be held at two different times - Thursday nights at 6:30PM and Friday mornings at 9:30AM. This is a seven week study on Elijah. Sign up at the coffee bar. You can reach out to Kathy Gustafsson with any questions.
GAME DAY – Every 2nd Saturday – 1:00-6:00. Contact Chris Pepin for more information. (906)226-5084. –The next game day is March 8th.
MOMSCONNECT - 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 6PM - MomsConnect is a ministry for women with children ages 0-18 that meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday throughout the school year. Registration is required to participate. Dinner provided, child care not provided. Mothering is hard, so let's do it together. Click HERE to register. You can see our MomsConnect Calendar of Events here. The next meeting is February 18th.
YOUTH GROUP – Sundays at 2:00PM - Youth group is open to all middle and high school students. Feel free to invite a friend! For February 16th at 2:00PM the Youth Group will be joining the Adventure Club for a special event - Ice Exploration! See the announcement for the Adventure Club above for more information on location.
YOUNG ADULTS GROUP - Thursdays at 6:30 PM at Woodland Church - Our Young Adults Group is a welcoming community for young Christians navigating the unique stage of life between college and family responsibilities. If you find yourself not fitting in with campus life or parenthood, this is the perfect place for you!
MENS YOUNG ADULT GROUP - Friday Mornings at 9AM at the home of Brandon Campbell in Negaunee. Sign up on a connection card and Brandon will reach out to you.
ANNUAL CHURCH PICNIC - Sunday, July 20th - 5:00PM - At the Negaunee Township Hall Pavilion - More info to come
ANNUAL CHURCH CAMP OUT - August 15 - 18, 2025 - Perkins Park, Big Bay - Registration will begin soon. Contact Linnea with questions.
ANNUAL CHURCH BACKPACKING TRIP - September 12-14th. More info to come.
CHURCH LIBRARY - Did you know we have a Library here at church where you can check books out? It is filled with great books that are free to everyone. The library is the room with the French doors. There is a sign out sheet to write down your name and whatever book you checked out. See Sarah Zorn if you have any questions.
DISCIPLESHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE - Discipleship is when one christian takes an active role in investing in the spiritual growth of another christian. We love to see these 1-on-1 discipleship groups forming, so here at Woodland church we help making those connections between believers, and we provide tools to guide you through core biblical principles. Fill out a connection card, or contact Sarah Pridemore or Debbie Carlson for more information.
SMALL GROUPS - We are in need of people to host small groups in their homes. We have many people interested, but not enough houses to host them in! If you would be willing to host a group, please fill out our SMALL GROUP INTEREST FORM.
MEAL TRAIN - As a church we like to provide meals for families in our church body who are going through a time of need like having a new baby, an illness or having surgery. Keep an eye on your email for an opportunity to sign up if you would like to provide a meal.
VOLUNTEER - We are always looking for people to serve in different areas of the church. If you would be interesting in greeting, kid's check in desk, ushering, serving coffee, teaching kids class, working in the nursery, joining the worship team or running computer or sound we would love to talk with you. Fill out a connection card and we will reach out.
CONNECTION CARDS - You can use Connection Cards to update your contact info, sign up for events or request prayer. You can fill out our digital Connection Card HERE.
The Care Clinic in Marquette is looking for both male and female volunteers. Do you like helping people one on one? Have you wanted to volunteer but didn't know where to go? The Care Clinic may be the place for you! Apply online at careclinicmqt.org.
Or reach out to Wendy Pelto at the Care Clinic. 906.228.2273 - [email protected]
Men's Dinner at UPBC - Saturday, February 22nd - Doors open at 5:30PM. Dinner will be served at 6:00. Cost is $8 per person. The dinner will be a burger bar. Sign up at https://www.upbiblecamp.org/mens-dinner.
Have you ever thought about becoming a Foster Parent!? A foster parent is someone who provides a temporary safe and welcoming home for a child who has been removed from their parents due to abuse or neglect. The only age requirement is that you be at least 18 years of age. You can be married, single, or divorced. You can live in an apartment or own your own home. You can have children of your own living in the home. If you would like to learn more, please email Katie Kubont, who works for the State of Michigan, MDHHS: [email protected]
ADVENTURE CLUB ICE EXPLORATION - Sunday, February 16th - 2:00PM - We will be meeting at the Zorn's house for a fun afternoon of exploring the ice formations on the shore of Lake Superior. You can sign up at the coffee bar and the Zorn's will reach out to you with the address or you can call Troy at (906) 373-6317. Everyone is welcome, but know that the ice is very slippery.
TUBING AT AL QUAAL - Friday, February 21st - 5:30-8:30 - Everyone is welcome to come out for this special tubing event! Tubes are provided at the hill and a tow rope tows you back to the top! Hot dogs, hot cocoa and coffee will be provided. RSVP HERE.
MEMBERSHIP CLASS - Saturday, February 22nd - 10:00AM - We will be having a membership class here at church for those interested in possibly becoming members at Woodland! Sign up at the coffee bar or on a connection card.
MISSION TRIP TO OMETEPE ISLAND, NICARAGUA - We have 14 people here at Woodland who will be going on a missions trip to Ometepe Island March 1-9th. There will be a mission board set up in the foyer with more information or you can donate towards the trip HERE.
WOMENS BIBLE STUDY - Starting February 27th - This study will be held at two different times - Thursday nights at 6:30PM and Friday mornings at 9:30AM. This is a seven week study on Elijah. Sign up at the coffee bar. You can reach out to Kathy Gustafsson with any questions.
CRU PLANT MINISTRY - Cru is starting a new ministry using plants as a way to reach students on campus. They are looking for donations of small plants or cuttings they can replant. Sign up at the coffee bar if you can donate to them.
EQUIP U LEADERS CLASS - 1st Sunday of every month - 9AM - Adult Classrooms - This class is training to learn to lead others like Jesus did! If you are ready to start leading others to Christ, this is the place for you! Contact Pastor Jeff A with questions.
EQUIP U FOUNDATIONS CLASS - 3rd Sunday of every month - 9AM - Adult Classrooms - In this class we will be learning the foundations of disciple making! If you aren't sure how to start or how to even be a disciple yourself, this is the class for you. Contact Pastor Jeff A with questions.
GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES - April 18th - Services at 3:00PM and 5:00PM - Childcare will be provided for ages 0-3.
ANNUAL CHURCH CAMPOUT 2025 - August 15 - 18, 2025 - Perkins Park, Big Bay - We are preparing for our next church campout! This year we will be staying at the beautiful Perkins Park. Mark your calendars with the dates. We already have booked the sites to the church and we will begin registering everyone for their sites in February!
SUNDAY SERVICES – First Service at 9:00AM – Second Service at 11:00AM. Feel free to come early or linger after and fellowship over a cup of coffee!
EQUIP U LEADERS CLASS - 1st Sunday of every month - 9AM - Adult Classrooms - This class is training to learn to lead others like Jesus did! If you are ready to start leading others to Christ, this is the place for you! Contact Pastor Jeff A with questions.
EQUIP U FOUNDATIONS CLASS - 3rd Sunday of every month - 9AM - Adult Classrooms - In this class we will be learning the foundations of disciple making! If you aren't sure how to start or how to even be a disciple yourself, this is the class for you. Contact Pastor Jeff A with questions.
MONDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY – 6:30PM – Prayer and Bible Study led by Roy Brown at the church. All are welcome.
REVELATION BIBLE STUDY - Wednesday evenings at 6:30PM - Jim and Chris Ruppel are leading this 30 week Bible Study on the book of Revelation. All are welcome. Contact Chris for more information. (906) 458-7462.
WOMENS BIBLE STUDY - Starting February 27th - This study will be held at two different times - Thursday nights at 6:30PM and Friday mornings at 9:30AM. This is a seven week study on Elijah. Sign up at the coffee bar. You can reach out to Kathy Gustafsson with any questions.
GAME DAY – Every 2nd Saturday – 1:00-6:00. Contact Chris Pepin for more information. (906)226-5084. –The next game day is March 8th.
MOMSCONNECT - 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 6PM - MomsConnect is a ministry for women with children ages 0-18 that meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday throughout the school year. Registration is required to participate. Dinner provided, child care not provided. Mothering is hard, so let's do it together. Click HERE to register. You can see our MomsConnect Calendar of Events here. The next meeting is February 18th.
YOUTH GROUP – Sundays at 2:00PM - Youth group is open to all middle and high school students. Feel free to invite a friend! For February 16th at 2:00PM the Youth Group will be joining the Adventure Club for a special event - Ice Exploration! See the announcement for the Adventure Club above for more information on location.
YOUNG ADULTS GROUP - Thursdays at 6:30 PM at Woodland Church - Our Young Adults Group is a welcoming community for young Christians navigating the unique stage of life between college and family responsibilities. If you find yourself not fitting in with campus life or parenthood, this is the perfect place for you!
MENS YOUNG ADULT GROUP - Friday Mornings at 9AM at the home of Brandon Campbell in Negaunee. Sign up on a connection card and Brandon will reach out to you.
ANNUAL CHURCH PICNIC - Sunday, July 20th - 5:00PM - At the Negaunee Township Hall Pavilion - More info to come
ANNUAL CHURCH CAMP OUT - August 15 - 18, 2025 - Perkins Park, Big Bay - Registration will begin soon. Contact Linnea with questions.
ANNUAL CHURCH BACKPACKING TRIP - September 12-14th. More info to come.
CHURCH LIBRARY - Did you know we have a Library here at church where you can check books out? It is filled with great books that are free to everyone. The library is the room with the French doors. There is a sign out sheet to write down your name and whatever book you checked out. See Sarah Zorn if you have any questions.
DISCIPLESHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE - Discipleship is when one christian takes an active role in investing in the spiritual growth of another christian. We love to see these 1-on-1 discipleship groups forming, so here at Woodland church we help making those connections between believers, and we provide tools to guide you through core biblical principles. Fill out a connection card, or contact Sarah Pridemore or Debbie Carlson for more information.
SMALL GROUPS - We are in need of people to host small groups in their homes. We have many people interested, but not enough houses to host them in! If you would be willing to host a group, please fill out our SMALL GROUP INTEREST FORM.
MEAL TRAIN - As a church we like to provide meals for families in our church body who are going through a time of need like having a new baby, an illness or having surgery. Keep an eye on your email for an opportunity to sign up if you would like to provide a meal.
VOLUNTEER - We are always looking for people to serve in different areas of the church. If you would be interesting in greeting, kid's check in desk, ushering, serving coffee, teaching kids class, working in the nursery, joining the worship team or running computer or sound we would love to talk with you. Fill out a connection card and we will reach out.
CONNECTION CARDS - You can use Connection Cards to update your contact info, sign up for events or request prayer. You can fill out our digital Connection Card HERE.
The Care Clinic in Marquette is looking for both male and female volunteers. Do you like helping people one on one? Have you wanted to volunteer but didn't know where to go? The Care Clinic may be the place for you! Apply online at careclinicmqt.org.
Or reach out to Wendy Pelto at the Care Clinic. 906.228.2273 - [email protected]
Men's Dinner at UPBC - Saturday, February 22nd - Doors open at 5:30PM. Dinner will be served at 6:00. Cost is $8 per person. The dinner will be a burger bar. Sign up at https://www.upbiblecamp.org/mens-dinner.
Have you ever thought about becoming a Foster Parent!? A foster parent is someone who provides a temporary safe and welcoming home for a child who has been removed from their parents due to abuse or neglect. The only age requirement is that you be at least 18 years of age. You can be married, single, or divorced. You can live in an apartment or own your own home. You can have children of your own living in the home. If you would like to learn more, please email Katie Kubont, who works for the State of Michigan, MDHHS: [email protected]